Women of the current working generation are entirely too serious even though casual Friday has replaced the business suit. Travel with other ladies gives you an outlet to be just a little crazy for just a little bit of time. Men do it on the 19th hole, at the race track or at the game. Women need to let loose more often and why not in the form of a trip. Go find the girl in yourself and in a place far from your responsibilities. It is not a chore to leaf through old magazines on Portobello Road or slurp gelato on a stoop in Venice...
One of the big differences between men and women in travel is we have different priorities. Men like to eat; women want to get on with it. In our experience, most women will opt for a lighter lunch, less waiting time and more shopping and sightseeing. Women use guidebooks, research more and often know precisely what they want to do, we simply get more done... And doing a lot on a trip opens the door to more serendipity and fun encounters.
Women returning from their first trip feel they have accomplished a certain something. How often we, as travel agents hear: I never thought I could XXXXX without my husband or without help. And yes, you can figure out a tip amount in Irish Pounds, how to hail a cab in Rome, how to order a glass of beer in Delhi. Women traveling with other women learn a lot from each other; we like to teach and share .