Whether working, playing, entertaining, mother or daughtering, women tend to be there for others before themselves. We are the volunteers, girl scout leaders, cookie purveyors, school project managers and inventory analysts of camp trunks and lunch boxes. So what do these roles have to do with travel and women?
Today women make most of the travel decisions in the family but we do not necessarily take vacations where we want or do what we like. Girls on the go is set up for women who want to travel with other women . I have been asked , why should women travel with other women? Putting aside the obvious-- many women do not have families/friends who wish to travel-- there are many reasons for women to travel with other women:
Women rarely set aside time for themselves. The hostess in us serves others first. We are usually the caretakers for elderly parents and young children. We are more often the support staff, less often the boss. One of the beauties of travel"and travel alone"is that you can focus on yourself. There is a joy in listing museums, buildings, streets to see. You can decide to walk out of the Science Wing of the Smithsonian, eat Dutch cookies for lunch, spend an hour trying on Parisian hair accessories, and not explain your silliness to anyone. Self indulgence is not life threatening; in fact. the lack of it in our lives probably is. Even though the trend in travel today is to learn, a word not used in the past. It is a kind of learning that fulfills us.
I will continue giving you reasons to travel with "Girls on the Go" until you join us on a trip and find out for yourself why we are so excited about this group.