Sunday, October 30, 2011

2012 / 2013 Travel Calendar

Ladies please check out , or just click here on the left to see the travel calendar for the upcoming year.
There are several trips coming up that I think you guys are going to like. Please let me know if you would like more information about any of them.

Hidden Pines Bed and Breakfast

I have not posted much lately but I thought you all would like to see some of the pictures from "The Girls On The Go" slumber party at Hidden Pines Bed and Breakfast.
There were 7 of us there and we had a ball! We ate a great dinner and had sinful cheese cake for desert, played a couple games, visited a lot and drank more than our fair share of wine.
They have this great aqua massager that we took our turns on. Some of us just had to take two turns! We also have a couple pool sharks in the group.
The facility is large enough to comfortably sleep up to nine people. The hospitality is second to none, Tommie and Shorty waited on us hand and foot and made the most fabulous breakfast ever.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Benefits of Travel for Women III

Women are generally more open to appreciating others' lifestyles and cultures. We like to meet children in a village not just photograph them. When we buy a craft, it comes home with a mental description of the person who sold it not just with a receipt for customs... We are people people, a trait that enhances our lives therein. Being alone and away from it all, gives you time to think, another long forgotten pleasure. . We need extra days to hang out. Being away for even as short trip gives women time to kick it off and relax. Women are more concerned with the hotels amenities than their male counterparts; we want to combine travel with an aromatherapy shower or massage. We use travel even business travel differently than our male counterparts
So why should women travel alone? Travel with other women? Or travel at all?

Because it is good for us top to bottom. Travel cleanses the mind, touches the soul and lightens the heart and usually but not always trims the body. Travel can mean new friends and a re-connect with that old one, yourself.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Benefits of Travel for Women II

Women of the current working generation are entirely too serious even though casual Friday has replaced the business suit. Travel gives you an outlet to be just a little crazy for just a little bit of time. Men do it on the 19th hole and in the Sharper Image. Women need to let loose more often and why not in the form of a trip. Of course, do put safety first, but after that, go find the girl in yourself and in a place far from your responsibilities. It is not a chore to leaf through old magazines on Portobello Road or slurp gelato on a stoop in Venice..
One of the big differences between men and women in travel is we have different priorities. Men like to eat; women want to get on with it. In our experience, most women will opt for a lighter lunch, less waiting time and more shopping and sightseeing. Women use guidebooks, research more and often know precisely what they want to do. A woman traveling alone simply gets more done.. And doing a lot on a trip opens the door to more serendipity and fun encounters.

Solo travel is the quickest and easiest way to grow your independence. Women returning from their first trip solo or with other women feel they have accomplished a certain something. How often we, as tour operators, hear: I never thought I could XXXXX without my husband or without help. And yes, you can figure out a tip amount in Irish Pounds, how to hail a cab in Rome, how to order a glass of beer in Dehli. Women traveling with other women learn a lot from each other;

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Benefits of Womens Travel

Women of the current working generation are entirely too serious even though casual Friday has replaced the business suit. Travel with other ladies gives you an outlet to be just a little crazy for just a little bit of time. Men do it on the 19th hole, at the race track or at the game. Women need to let loose more often and why not in the form of a trip. Go find the girl in yourself and in a place far from your responsibilities. It is not a chore to leaf through old magazines on Portobello Road or slurp gelato on a stoop in Venice...
One of the big differences between men and women in travel is we have different priorities. Men like to eat; women want to get on with it. In our experience, most women will opt for a lighter lunch, less waiting time and more shopping and sightseeing. Women use guidebooks, research more and often know precisely what they want to do, we simply get more done... And doing a lot on a trip opens the door to more serendipity and fun encounters.

Women returning from their first trip feel they have accomplished a certain something. How often we, as travel agents hear: I never thought I could XXXXX without my husband or without help. And yes, you can figure out a tip amount in Irish Pounds, how to hail a cab in Rome, how to order a glass of beer in Delhi. Women traveling with other women learn a lot from each other; we like to teach and share .

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Benefits of Travel for Women:

Whether working, playing, entertaining, mother or daughtering, women tend to be there for others before themselves. We are the volunteers, girl scout leaders, cookie purveyors, school project managers and inventory analysts of camp trunks and lunch boxes. So what do these roles have to do with travel and women?

Today women make most of the travel decisions in the family but we do not necessarily take vacations where we want or do what we like. Girls on the go is set up for women who want to travel with other women . I have been asked , why should women travel with other women? Putting aside the obvious-- many women do not have families/friends who wish to travel-- there are many reasons for women to travel with other women:

Women rarely set aside time for themselves. The hostess in us serves others first. We are usually the caretakers for elderly parents and young children. We are more often the support staff, less often the boss. One of the beauties of travel"and travel alone"is that you can focus on yourself. There is a joy in listing museums, buildings, streets to see. You can decide to walk out of the Science Wing of the Smithsonian, eat Dutch cookies for lunch, spend an hour trying on Parisian hair accessories, and not explain your silliness to anyone. Self indulgence is not life threatening; in fact. the lack of it in our lives probably is. Even though the trend in travel today is to learn, a word not used in the past. It is a kind of learning that fulfills us.

I will continue giving you reasons to travel with "Girls on the Go" until you join us on a trip and find out for yourself why we are so excited about this group.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Girls On The Go March Meeting

Girls On The Go March Meeting
Well we had a great time at the Desert Diamond Distillery and missed those of you who could not attend.
We had a great tour of the Distillery and Mr. Pratt took the time to explain the art of making booze!
After our tour we had the pleasure of tasting their products. They make a Light Rum, Dark Rum, Agave Rum and Vodka.
Mrs. Pratt prepared some” Rum BaBa” for us. This is a German desert made from pound cake and a very very generous shot of rum topped with whipped cream. Needless to say we were all a little happier after eating that!
Their operation is the only one of its kind in the US. It took many years and lots of red tape to get this plant up and running. Because Desert Diamond Distillery is the only one of its kind in the US people come to seminars from around the world to learn how to operate this state of the art equipment.
They have quite the operation out there and if you have not had the chance to visit I recommend you do, it is very interesting. Next time you have out of town visitors take a little ride out there. I do not think you will be disappointed.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pratt family for their hospitality.
We will not be having meeting in the month of April because I will be out of town for a couple weeks.
BUT, be sure and plan to attend Kingman’s First Wine and Food Festival put on by Mohave Community College Foundation. It is May21st, 11:00am to 6:00pm at Firefighters Park in Kingman
“Girls On The Go” will meet again at the end of May.
I will notify every one of the date and location.
I will try to arrange for something fun and unusual again!
In the mean time please give me a call if you have any questions or if you would like assistance with your summer vacation travel plans.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

" Girls On The Go"

" Girls On The Go" Ladies Travel Group Girls on the Go January Meeting.
Once again we had a full house and a great time
Three trips were presented to the group:
New England Back Roads (A Fall Colors Tours) travel dates October 11th thru October 18th, , 2011
Italian Mosaics, October 18th thru October 30th, 2011
...Costa Rica, February 2012
You can find all the details and pricing for these trips at:

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Girls On The Go " January Meeting

Happy New Year!
I hope you all made it through the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
Our January meeting will be held at the
Cellar Door Wine Bar 6:00 p.m. Thursday the 27th.
Hope to see you all there.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions