Sunday, October 3, 2010

" Girls On The Go" First Meeting

The first meeting of the “Girls On The Go” was great fun and a big success with 28 women in attendance.
We met at the Cellar Door Wine Bar and of course Scott and Nancy graciously welcomed all of us, we had the opportunity to enjoy a couple of their new wines.
The ladies all took the opportunity to introduce themselves and share what destinations were at the top of their bucket lists.
The destinations that where the most popular among last nights group are Russia, Italy ,Costa Rica, New England Fall Colors and a Wine tasting trip to Temecula California.
That gives us variety of destinations and potential for a few different types of travel.
Of course there were many destinations mentioned and we intend to visit each and everyone sooner or later!
We would like to thank Amber’s Crafty Corner (visit to view the holiday wine labels offered), Finishing Laser & Skin and Dora’s Beale Street Deli for the discount coupons exclusive to “Girls On The Go”.
Remember anyone from around the country is welcome to join our group and keep informed about our meetings and travel destinations
Bliss Day Spa has offered us the use of their great 100 years old house for our October meeting.
I will keep everyone informed as to the time and date of the next meeting.