Sunday, August 22, 2010

Women's Travel Group

Hello Ladies,
Well we are doing it!
As travel agents over the years we have been asked by our client’s men and women alike if we know of anybody that would travel with them. Well we always spend time looking but more often than not we are unsuccessful. We have decided to do something about that… We are forming a travel group for women only (sorry guys).
We believe that this idea will be attractive to women from all walks of life, single, married, divorced, and widowed: retired, working professionals, housewives and mothers.
Anybody that has the desire to travel and for what ever reason has no one to go with.
This is a club formed for women who like to explore the multi faceted world with like minded travel companions. No dues, officers or minutes.
Donna is committed to getting women together all with the same purpose.
To make new friends and see the world!
We are planning our first meeting towards the end of September.
If you think this is something you would be interested in please give me a call or drop me an e-mail.
I will be sure to send you the details of the meeting.
I look forward to hearing from you
Donna Touchette
928-757-3368 928-897-8592